“Digital Humanities and Digital Social Reading” discusses the concept of Digital Social Reading (DSR) and how it has emerged as the internet has evolved. DSR encompasses various activities like book reviews, inline commenting, online storytelling…
The article explains the functions and operations of databases so as to aid those managing data storage in selecting the most appropriate one. It outlines the three types of data models in databases, relational, key-value, and hierarchical; different…
This article explains the significance of online platforms for memory preservation, especially through the complete digital shift that Covid-19 implemented across the globe. It argues for more consumer accessible digital archives.
“Digital Humanities and Digital Media: conversations on politics, cultures, aesthetics, and literacy” is a book written by Roberto Simanowski. Unlike the previous item additions that we have added to the archive, this one is fairly new, being…
Roy Rosenzweig contends that the past is not dead. His book, Clio Wired, is a collection of essays focusing on the digital media and how it could keep the past alive. Simplistically, it is broken into three sections: rethinking, practicing, and…
Pitti’s article focuses on the necessity of collaboration among scholars, despite the challenges they encounter. In order to design complex, sustainable projects in digital humanities, collaboration is necessary because of the cost and the…
In “Toiling in the Archives of Cyberspace,” Renée Sentilles argues, “Our relationship with sources changes as they become more accessible, more abundant, and less tangible" (136). Sentilles discusses the usability of digital archives, particularly…
Author and archivist Frederick Stielow reviews fundamental principles and practices of archiving and outlines the technical steps and intellectual rationale for adding metadata, developing encoding schemas, and designing the web interface. Of…
In Part II of The Future of the Past, Alexander Stiille discusses cultural memory as it relates to the National Archive and the process of digitizing and converting nontextual material to a more stable format. Stille states that, at current staff…
The Text Encoding Initiative website gives straightforward instruction and detailed documentation on TEI, a subset of the XML markup language. The site provides a downloadable version of the TEI P5 Guidelines that gives a comprehensive overview of…