This online journal is informing towards understanding ethics in archives. The journal goes into the importance and process that archivists go through to respecting data in already existing collections. Privacy plays a grand part in ethics especially…
The author of this book goes over some of the history of copyright and some of the current existing laws. He explains that under the current laws of the U.S., securing a copyright doesn't require publication, registration, or any other action in the…
Scholarly communications librarian Denise Troll Covey elaborates the difficulties and challenges of digitizing and providing access to books. Reporting on three separate studies sponsored wholly or in part by the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries,…
This article considers long-term preservation of digital heritage from a social justice perspective, with a specific focus on ethical obligations for archivists in first world countries. The authors envision two fictional scenarios to illustrate…
Policy makers generate digital records every single day, a fraction of which is preserved in archival repositories. However, accessing these archives is often challenging due to various factors like data protection, sensitivity, and copyright. While…
Archiving has become an increasingly complex process. While preserving data is a challenge, this has evolved into finding a method to preserve data more efficiently, and make sure that data can keep its authenticity and integrity over a period of…
John P. Wilkin, executive director of HathiTrust and associate research librarian for the University of Michigan, provides an in-depth report on the current percentages of published works that are at various stages of public domain and in-copyright.…
The ubiquity of digital data and its seemingly effortless and transparent transmission in routine commerce and communication is rarely discussed from both technical and socio-political perspectives in one work. In this book, however, the authors…
Digital libraries, museums, and archives have discovered a beneficial partnership with law enforcement. Digital forensics as a method for extracting “unaltered evidence” and establishing “verifiable and repeatable examinations” of the data has been…
The article presents the views of authors on ethics related to scholarly research. One author stated that it is not always ethical to collect oral histories, but there are also ethical concerns when a historian feasts in the archives. While another…