Digital Archiving Resources

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The book contain different blogs and articles that all give different tips and guides on how to properly obtain items for a digital archive, such as the quality of photos and online message and how to make them fit for preservation. Some of the…

A guide addressed to the general public concerning the practices surrounding personal digital archiving. This eBook contains information regarding proper personal archiving procedure, personal essays reflecting on personal digital archiving, and…

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Every day, millions of people around the world use their phones and computers to record data; from photos, videos, and audio recordings, to simply typing information into the ‘notes’ section of a smart phone. However, due in part to the general…

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This article reports findings from a survey of 110 writers' personal digital archiving practices. The authors found that most writers neglect digital archival concerns, and consequently, their digital archives consist of poorly managed, highly…

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Secrets from the Stacks authored by expert archivist Rhonda Chadwick delves into the significance of preserving family legacies in the digital era, stressing the importance of leveraging modern technology to safeguard cherished memories and…

This article explores the smartphone as a complex tool in the context of forced migration. The article explains how smartphones not only follow migrants but also document their journey through digital objects in times of conflict, displacement, and…

Following over a decade of widespread use, social media platforms have evolved into virtual spaces where users create and store meaningful content, suggesting their potential to serve as components of personal digital archives. This article explores…

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The Complete Guide to Personal Archiving bridges the gap between scholars and scrapbookers with professional archivists. It can be difficult to bridge the gap in professionalism with people who know little of a subject. In this guide, the…

Since its first-edition printing in 2003, The DAM Book has become one of the standard references for photographers trying to build and protect their digital archives. In this revised edition, Krogh takes a holistic approach, outlining what he refers…

The importance of personal digital preservation and the problems involved in preservation.
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