This book looks at the fundamental differences between traditional and electronic texts and the issues of studying each exclusively. It outlines how teaching students using both varieties of text in tandem can be beneficial in understanding the…
The following article goes into the importance digitization of artifacts for future use partly as a way to minimize damaging materials that have already sustained a considerable amount of external or internal wear and tear as a result of being…
Colin Meddings of Oxford University Press conducted research within the academic library community on digital preservation and what their opinions were regarding the matter. Specifically focusing on digital preservation in term of “the preservation…
The following article explores the issues surrounding digital preservation. Especially when it comes to deciding what should and shouldn’t be preserved. In addition to that, it is important to note the ease in which something published online can be…
This article discusses the importance of differentiating between the terms digital archiving and digital curation and explains how the obfuscation of these phrases can limit the necessary resources that must be given to digital archiving practices.…
This journal provides information about what an archive is, in specific, numerical data. It explains why numeric data files are important, for things like statistic and the importance of having a data file where to reference things. Local databases…
Every day, millions of people around the world use their phones and computers to record data; from photos, videos, and audio recordings, to simply typing information into the ‘notes’ section of a smart phone. However, due in part to the general…
The world population is ageing. In the UK alone, it is projected that by 2035 those aged 65 and over will account for 23 per cent of the total population whilst the number of people aged 85 and over will account for 5 per cent of the total…
The arrival of the digital age has not only reshaped and refocused critical research in the humanities, but has provided real opportunities to innovate with pedagogy and classroom structure. This article describes the development of a new pedagogical…
The class, titled “Introduction to Literary Study,” helps students build the foundational skills commonly used for the study of literature, including close reading, textual analysis, attention to genre and form, and attention to material and…