Special or rare documents require extra attention with regards to refurbishing and maintaining its structure. This text involves the complex frame work with regards to digital preservation, curation, and promoting a standardized method for saving…
In this chapter, Duncan and Ekmekcioglu present a range of responses by digital libraries and repositories to their institutions and users. Most institutions blend features of three models: massive repositories, which provide wide access but limit…
In this digital landscape, the archival-oriented media theories of Wolfgang Ernst are particularly relevant. Digital Memory and the Archive, the first English-language collection of the German media theorist’s work, brings together essays that…
Russotti and Anderson give a good basic outline of Digital Asset Management. In contrast, or perhaps complimentary to Peter Krogh's The DAM Book, the authors bridge the gap between novice digital photographers and more advanced practitioners. Most of…
Digital Preservation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums represents a new approach to getting started with digital preservation: that of what cultural heritage professionals need to know as they begin their work. For administrators and practitioners…
Instead of the traditional step-by-step tutorials, this book references descriptive information on a large variety of topics regarding the preservation of digital archives and databases. The book is divided into 4 main segments that highlight some of…
The purpose of the Digital Preservation Handbook is to guide scholars, archivists and communities on the importance of preserving their digital materials that they have collected. The handbook is online, so it is accessible to everyone who is seeking…
Colin Meddings of Oxford University Press conducted research within the academic library community on digital preservation and what their opinions were regarding the matter. Specifically focusing on digital preservation in term of “the preservation…
In this TEDx talk, Jamie Robinson, photographer at the John Rylands University Library in Manchester, England, gives an introduction to heritage imaging and collection care. Robinson starts out by summarizing the history of the JRU Library archive,…
The contractor shall copy a collection of original nitrate and acetate film negatives from the collection of the contracting institution; approximately to negatives ranging in size from 35mm frames to 8”x10”. The total number of images to be copied…