Digital Archiving Resources

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Mike Kastellec explores the technological and non-technological factors that impede a digital collection’s long-term sustainability. The technical issues, data loss and technical obsolescence affect all types of collecting institutions, including…

Traditional information sources such as books, photos and sculptures can easily survive for years, decades or even centuries but digital items are fragile and require special care to keep them useable. Rapid technological changes also affect digital…

As is true at many colleges and universities, the Otis College of Art and Design faculty and staff are actively exploring Web 2.0 technologies, resulting in an explosion of new digital content—learning objects, video demonstrations, interviews, audio…

The documents and files created and stored in composer Jonathan Larson’s computer were donated to the Music Division of the Library of Congress upon Jonathan’s death. Doug Reside, digital curator for the New York Public Library of the Performing Arts…

Focusing on the publishing industry, Victoria McCarger reveals the importance of archiving published articles and images for historical purposes. Print media documents history and McCarger challenges publishers in regards to their archival workflow.…

“The State of Digital Preservation: An International Perspective: An international Perspective. Conference Proceedings is defined as a “collective of papers” published and released April 24th, 2002. These collective papers of text have many…

This book references information on why it is important to refurbish and maintain physical or tangible text. When resources and information become unavailable due to deterioration or missing text all together they become mundane and troublesome to…

On his radio show, Kojo Knamdi interviews three people involved in the Digital Public Library of America, a project that focuses on digitizing information from libraries, museums, and archives from around the nation and making them available online.…

This report is intended to highlight the issues and concerns raised at the summit for preserving software and identify key next steps for ensuring long term access to software. To best represent the distinct perspectives involved in the summit this…

In this digital landscape, the archival-oriented media theories of Wolfgang Ernst are particularly relevant. Digital Memory and the Archive, the first English-language collection of the German media theorist’s work, brings together essays that…
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