Digital Archiving Resources

Browse Items (77 total)

Recordkeeping metadata have been instrumental in constructing and promulgating, as well as reflecting, narratives for their era from antiquity into the digital age across cultures and belief systems. They thus can serve as a critical apparatus for…

Early recorded sound represents an invaluable slice of our global heritage, but the information stored on old recordings is constantly degraded through wear and other damage. To restore and preserve that vital content, physicists and archivists are…

The NARA Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access define approaches for creating digital surrogates for facilitating access and reproduction; they are not considered appropriate for preservation reformatting to…

In this article, the authors create a methodology to help deal with the integrity of long-term digital archives using cryptographic techniques. The first take create a token system for each item in the archive and then a key to identify and regulate…

Amanda Sikarskie gives a deeper look into the preservation of textile works, printed text, the nature of digital material culture, the role of audience participation versus curatorial authority online, audience-friendly collections metadata and…

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The focus of this article is to help eliminate several of the limitations that a traditional print has by providing a new model that suits the digital age. All the while giving readers the chance to participate in an active role regarding their own…

The documents and files created and stored in composer Jonathan Larson’s computer were donated to the Music Division of the Library of Congress upon Jonathan’s death. Doug Reside, digital curator for the New York Public Library of the Performing Arts…

“The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Motion Picture Materials” by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is a work of text consisting of 84 pages. It was published in the year 2007 as an open source…

On his radio show, Kojo Knamdi interviews three people involved in the Digital Public Library of America, a project that focuses on digitizing information from libraries, museums, and archives from around the nation and making them available online.…
This article focuses on the founder of the Video Game History Foundation’s argument for why video games should be preserved
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