Digital Archiving Resources

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“Conserving for the Future by Archiving Our Past; A Story about Technology and Digitization Informed by a Vintage Paperback Book Collection” written by and released by Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). This 16 page pamphlet discusses the…

“The State of Digital Preservation: An International Perspective: An international Perspective. Conference Proceedings is defined as a “collective of papers” published and released April 24th, 2002. These collective papers of text have many…

“The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Motion Picture Materials” by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is a work of text consisting of 84 pages. It was published in the year 2007 as an open source…

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The climate crisis has altered many facets of life and has not neglected digital archiving. In her book, From Handwriting to Footprinting Text and Heritage in the Age of Climate Crisis, Anne Baillot calls attention to the digital practices of…
This article focuses on the founder of the Video Game History Foundation’s argument for why video games should be preserved

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Technology is developing rapidly, and with it, our methods of digital preservation. In the book, Exploring Past Image in a Digital Age: Reinventing the Archive, the question of film and its preservation is brought to the reader’s mind. Film archives…
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