“Conserving for the Future by Archiving Our Past; A Story about Technology and Digitization Informed by a Vintage Paperback Book Collection” written by and released by Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). This 16 page pamphlet discusses the…
This article takes a look at the difficulties presented to researchers due to the newspaper digitization. These difficulties are mainly due to the fact that the pictures and formatting of the newspapers have been removed to allow the proper…
“The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Motion Picture Materials” by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is a work of text consisting of 84 pages. It was published in the year 2007 as an open source…
In order to see where we are going sometimes it becomes necessary to look back and review the steps we took to get to the place that we have landed today. The same thing goes for digital preservation. Charles Bailey notes and narrates previous…
The climate crisis has altered many facets of life and has not neglected digital archiving. In her book, From Handwriting to Footprinting Text and Heritage in the Age of Climate Crisis, Anne Baillot calls attention to the digital practices of…
This article asks the question "What trace of our accomplishments will endure to be handed over to future generations?". It specifically focuses on the protection and preservation of digital assets. Archiving is not solely an institutional job, but…
This report discusses 12 different e-journal archiving efforts. It finds that individual libraries cannot fully preserve what should be archived on their own. Most libraries cannot get the licenses needed to archive what they want to. And while…
This easy-to-follow textbook provides a modern, algorithmic introduction to digital image processing, designed to be used both by learners desiring a firm foundation on which to build, and practitioners in search of critical analysis and modern…
In her presentation to the 2009 Media in Transition 6 Conference, Alison Byerly appeals to scholars of all disciplines to take an interest in web archiving and preserve the born digital byproducts of their daily online transactions. Byerly…
A new policy directive establishing the internal NARA structural, environmental control, fire safety, preservation, and security standards for appropriate archival storage conditions in NARA archival facilities