The Guide to Security Considerations and Practices for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collection Libraries is the first such book intended specifically to address security in special collection libraries. Containing nineteen chapters, the book…
Cultural heritage professionals – museum curators, museum professionals, archivists and librarians – work with their specialized knowledge to prioritize the needs of their collections. Preservation managers draw on experts in climate control, fire…
Baylis counters the idea that there are too many digitized historic photographs for public use by stating that there is too little information contextualizing these photographs. Using the Larcom Albums of 19th century Irish prison photographs housed…
Libraries recognize the importance of digitizing archival material to improve access to and preservation of their special collections. This book provides a step-by-step guide for creating digital collections, including examples and practical tips.…
The documents and files created and stored in composer Jonathan Larson’s computer were donated to the Music Division of the Library of Congress upon Jonathan’s death. Doug Reside, digital curator for the New York Public Library of the Performing Arts…
Andrew Charlesworth, senior research fellow in IT at the University of Bristol, reports on copyright permissions and legislation affecting the archiving of Internet sources in the UK, Europe, Australia, and the United States. In this report,…
In this chapter, Duncan and Ekmekcioglu present a range of responses by digital libraries and repositories to their institutions and users. Most institutions blend features of three models: massive repositories, which provide wide access but limit…
Scholarly communications librarian Denise Troll Covey elaborates the difficulties and challenges of digitizing and providing access to books. Reporting on three separate studies sponsored wholly or in part by the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries,…
The project's goal was to research how and whether licensed access to digital content and copyright legislation affected the capability of libraries to offer long-term availability to that specific content, and to advise possible answers for any…
In this article, author Joanna Newman reports the findings of her survey of local community archives in New Zealand. Newman designed a survey to evaluate only archives whose records held sustained value for the governance, historical research, and…