Traditional information sources such as books, photos and sculptures can easily survive for years, decades or even centuries but digital items are fragile and require special care to keep them useable. Rapid technological changes also affect digital…
The Automatic Obsolescence Notification System, version 2 (AONS II) is a system designed by the National Library of Australia and the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories to monitor archived digital files in order to help archivists…
Elings and Günter discuss the different standards used for coding metadata among different types of institutions. They explain different systems that can be used, including the data structure systems CDWA, MARC and EAD; data content systems CCO,…
This report provides an overview of knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and includes pertinent examples of their application to digital materials, offering extensive practical information for institutions embarking on digital library initiatives.…
This paper examines the characteristics and variety of digitization training initiatives in North America and to a lesser extent, Europe, and the growing development of credit-bearing courses and programs within higher education relating to…
This book provides a comprehensive manual that covers key areas of archiving. Its audience is that of the novice and student archivist. In addition to it textbook format, the material in the book examines the role of the archival profession in the…
Abby Smith combines the collective experiences of digital library staffs over the past decade as she analyzes and reviews selected practices, identifies selection policies and best practices, and discusses long-term implications of the opportunities…
In this article, Greene eschews the "intuitive, informal, and cookbooky" approach to information infrastructure and advises archivists to base their work on core professional values (22). He recommends beginning a digital archive project with…
Tyler Walters, archivist, librarian and associate dean of Virginia Tech’s technology and information resources, discusses the nature and responsibilities of academic librarians as they undertake the collection and curation of digital content. He…