Digital Archiving Resources

#MeToo in Sweden: Museum Collections, Digital Archiving and Hashtag Visuality


#MeToo in Sweden: Museum Collections, Digital Archiving and Hashtag Visuality


Digital Humanities


Uimonen discusses the Nordic Museum in Stockholm’s #MeToo collection and the public submissions to the collection. It also “analyses the museum’s rationale for collecting what is considered to be difficult cultural heritage.” Unlike most archives, it does not contain images. The article proposes a new visuality in digital archiving: “hashtag visuality.” The article claims it is visual representation of social media. The author argues that the amount this visuality for the hashtag occurs in Sweden is a statement regarding sexism and violence in a country that is believed to be feminist. The author states hashtag visuality has made an impact on how this topic is discussed and acted upon and that it has become a movement.
I think this journal’s discussion of hashtags impact on archiving and movements is important to consider for archiving purposes. It not only directly mentions archiving, but also how these hashtags start movements that need archiving work to be done. I liked how it considered a new form of visuality and how that impacts community archiving. I believe this article is different than other data in the archive and considers how social media is shaping human experience and movements. I think this is unique because older archiving would never consider how hashtags can influence the field.


Uimonen, Paula


Informa UK Limited




Alexis Cosio


Online Journal


ISSN 0014-1844

Bibliographic Citation

Uimonen, Paula. "# MeToo in Sweden: Museum Collections, Digital Archiving and Hashtag Visuality." Ethnos (2019): 1-18.




Uimonen, Paula , “#MeToo in Sweden: Museum Collections, Digital Archiving and Hashtag Visuality,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed February 24, 2025,