Digital Archiving Resources

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Within her article “Personal digital archiving for journalists: a “private” solution to a public problem” Sarah King aims to inform journalists on the benefits of digital preservation. Although librarians and archivists are all aware of the…

Uimonen discusses the Nordic Museum in Stockholm’s #MeToo collection and the public submissions to the collection. It also “analyses the museum’s rationale for collecting what is considered to be difficult cultural heritage.” Unlike most archives, it…

In this article, the author presents the connection between personal digital archiving and community-based archiving and how they should work to assist one another. The author suggests that community-based projects can help provide flexibility and…

In this academic journal, the authors discuss how the survey aspect of social media, Twitter in particular, presents an opportunity for a new way to collect data. It goes on to explain the complications in ethics that requires “a deeper…

In this Master’s Paper, Breed discusses archiving social media data through a study where thirty-eight archivists respond to a survey regarding their “institutional practices, their opinions of the ethical responsibilities of archives toward social…

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This article examines different attempts by educators to incorporate web archiving into their curriculums when teaching student from K-12, believing that utilizing archives can empower students to contribute their views to the “historical record”.…
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