Noted archivist and library educator Frederick Stielow provides a comprehensive guide to efficiently adding content to the Web - and to creating Web-based descriptions and finding aids that will draw surfers to the library's, museum's, or other…
More and more, library patrons are embracing the ease with which information can be accessed digitally. In an instant, a few keywords can bring patrons exactly what they desire, such as a book or a photograph, rather than going through the much more…
This book assembles contributions from computer scientists and librarians that altogether encompass the complete range of tools, tasks and processes needed to successfully preserve the cultural heritage of the Web. It combines the librarian’s…
With the amount of data a business accumulates now doubling every 12 to 18 months, IT professionals need to know how to develop a system for archiving important database data, in a way that both satisfies regulatory requirements and is durable and…
The arrival of the digital age has not only reshaped and refocused critical research in the humanities, but has provided real opportunities to innovate with pedagogy and classroom structure. This article describes the development of a new pedagogical…
In sizing up the notion of public memory, rhetoricians would be remiss not to consider the increasing influence of new media on today's remembrance culture. This article addresses memorial functions of the internet in light of recent scholarly…
This study examines Our Marathon , which is a digital historiography website created in response to the bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2013. As a participatory archive, Our Marathon is an example of community literacy practice. This…
This paper examines factors that limit the ability of institutions to digitally preserve the cultural heritage of the modern era. The author takes a wide-ranging approach to shed light on limitations to the scope of digital preservation. The author…
The development of new digital technologies has led to fundamental changes in the ways that cultural institutions fulfill their public missions of access, preservation, research, and education. Many institutions are developing publicly accessible Web…
The International Internet Preservation Consortium was created in July 2003 by twelve pioneer institutions already involved in Web archiving and including eleven national libraries. The objectives of the consortium are to provide a forum for sharing…