This paper represents viewpoints from scholars, librarians, archivists, technologists, lawyers and journalists at the University of Missouri on addressing the problems of preserving born-digital news. The crisis of losing decades of journalistic work…
This journal article describes a two-year digitization endeavor implemented to digitally publicize and preserve limited amounts of endangered Mongolian newspapers and periodicals into a collection by the Press Institute of Mongolia, expanding its…
The article reports on the implementation of a digitial archival assignment in an upper-level Victorian Literature and Culture course at Florida Gulf Coast University. The assignment had students utilize ProQuest’s database, Queen Victoria’s…
Digital pedagogy is using digital tools to enhance teaching and learning experience. It offers the possibility of enabling more interaction among students and instructors and increasing student academic success. Educators who incorporate digital…
This book assembles contributions from computer scientists and librarians that altogether encompass the complete range of tools, tasks and processes needed to successfully preserve the cultural heritage of the Web. It combines the librarian’s…
The Complete Guide to Personal Archiving bridges the gap between scholars and scrapbookers with professional archivists. It can be difficult to bridge the gap in professionalism with people who know little of a subject. In this guide, the…
Marčetić poses that many people today archive their own personal data as a byproduct of their day-to-day lives rather than as a deliberate act of preservation. She contextualizes this by discussing the activities and habits of students, and examining…
The documents and files created and stored in composer Jonathan Larson’s computer were donated to the Music Division of the Library of Congress upon Jonathan’s death. Doug Reside, digital curator for the New York Public Library of the Performing Arts…
In his essay, Lev Manovich argues for the database as the key form of expression in digital culture, stating that the new cultural algorithm is a progression of information from reality, to media, to data, to the database. Manovich connects database…
The authors of this piece aim to introduce the use of primary documents in the classroom to better engage students with the history they are learning. The article offers insight into inverted course models: those that emphasize hands-on learning in…