Digital Archiving Resources

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The Early Americas Digital Archive by Ralph Bauer is a collection of works that provides access to various forms of literature such as: poems, prose, histories, diaries, journals, and letters written in or about the Americas from 1492 to…

A collection of papers delivered at the 1997 conference, "Economics of Digital Information: Collection, Storage, and Delivery," sponsored by the University of Oklahoma Libraries and the University of Oklahoma Foundation, this book explores evolving…

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Have you ever been in collaboration and needed to get quick information sharing within your group, incorporating the social media as a tool? Wankel includes reports that discuss the importance technologies have been to educate educators on the use of…

This paper examines the characteristics and variety of digitization training initiatives in North America and to a lesser extent, Europe, and the growing development of credit-bearing courses and programs within higher education relating to…

This website is an archive of digital history sources and resources. Filtering by either era, region, or topic brings the user to a dedicated portal which includes an interactive timelime, biographic information, articles, videos, visual resources,…

Daniel Pitti, commonly referred to as the “main technical architect” of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD), explains the rationale for substituting EAD for the bibliographic type of record (MARC) used in libraries. He distinguishes archives and…

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Colin Post’s article focuses on the importance of institutions establishing a collaborative relationship with local artist. The collaboration comes from the personal archives of artists sharing their content to institutions. To ensure the long-term…

Pamela Innes, linguistic anthropologist at the University of Wyoming, presents a solution for protecting the privacy and cultural heritage of indigenous people while balancing the need for public access to archival materials. She proposes that…

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The complexities of the ethics and truth in archival research are often unrecognized or invisible in educational research. The archival research for this paper took place in the former Czechoslovakia and its turbulent political history influenced the…

With how difficult it can be to understand ethics and truth in regards to archival research, it can be almost impossible to find it in many educational research projects. As such, when it does appear, it can be unrecognized or entirely…
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