In this edited volume, Gesa Kirsch and Liz Rohan explore the "backstory" of what goes into an archive. They dig deep into the research, political aspects, and decisions on what to archive. Many of the essays address the considerations involved in…
Unsettling Archival Research is a collection of articles examining the way archives are currently created, curated, and maintained and how these methods might be improved. Unsettling Archival Research highlights how current archival methods overlook…
Within her article “Personal digital archiving for journalists: a “private” solution to a public problem” Sarah King aims to inform journalists on the benefits of digital preservation. Although librarians and archivists are all aware of the…
Digital humanities is a new, emerging field and only recently has it started to take more notice of its application. T. Mills Kelly synthesizes the changes over time of digital history within the two decades. This book serves as a platform for people…
This paper examines factors that limit the ability of institutions to digitally preserve the cultural heritage of the modern era. The author takes a wide-ranging approach to shed light on limitations to the scope of digital preservation. The author…
Mike Kastellec explores the technological and non-technological factors that impede a digital collection’s long-term sustainability. The technical issues, data loss and technical obsolescence affect all types of collecting institutions, including…
Family archives are valuable because they tell a story about people and communities, future generations have a record of their history and ancestors, and they can become national treasures. In Low Cost and No Cost Ways to Preserve Family Archives,…
The book centers around how people developed folklore in the digital stage. Here, the authors explore how communication and media developed folklore and how it transitioned to digital media. Humans developed a cyberculture, a new type of folklore,…
In a lecture at e.g. 2007 librarian Brewster Kahle introduced his radical idea to create a free, open access digital library with the aim of “bring[ing] all of the works of knowledge to as many people as want to read it.” He uses the…