This book by Jonathan Adrians discusses the world of emulation gaming, including its history and its legal issues such as the acquisition of ROMs, which are used to play the emulated games. It covers a wide variety of systems from home consoles, to…
Jimerson argues that in the information age, knowledge is power, and power is determined by those who determine what information will be preserved for the future, i.e., archivists. Therefore, archivists should use their power to benefit all members…
This online journal is informing towards understanding ethics in archives. The journal goes into the importance and process that archivists go through to respecting data in already existing collections. Privacy plays a grand part in ethics especially…
Spreadable media is basically getting across the needed message from one person to another through the mouth or in this case through social media. If you break up the term, then spreadable means to describe these increasingly pervasive forms of media…
Archives, Access and Artificial Intelligence: Working with Born-Digital and Digitized Archival Collections examines the types of collections that have been digital since the time of their inception. These include web archives, photoarchives, dark…
The authors of this book argue that libraries are institutions of human rights and social justice and should fully embrace this role. They outline ways in which preservation institutions can integrate social justice and human rights in their practice…
This TEDtalk outlines Dave Isay, the founder of StoryCorps, argument for the construction of a digital archive that aims to capture the voices, and stories of all of humanity. He argues that by the interview itself becoming the central focus of the…
Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Digital Preservation and Information Modeling is a book that has become an authoritative resource. It is used for the latest research on the application of current innovations in the fields of…
There are practical problems associated with documentation, preservation, access, function, context and meaning of digital art. How do we care for similar works, and which are the theoretical and methodological challenges for curating and preserving…