Michela Ferron and Paolo Massa employ a quantitative study of Wikipedia as a digital archive in order to show how one can view memory as an active process. The authors begin with a discussion of Web 2.0 as public, private, and modifiable, but unable…
"Gone In a Flash?" is the recording of a digital archiving workshop conducted at Columbia University in 2012. The workshop illuminates organization and preservation practices important for individuals, especially academics, who want to make sure…
The goal of the Vatican Library Digital Archive Project is to preserve over 80,000 manuscripts and 41 million pages. However, the project also seeks to make these manuscripts accessible to the general public as part of a digital library. The Vatican…
Laura Molloy’s blog post reports on her presentation at the Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Conference in June 2015 in Dublin, Ireland. Molloy discusses how humanities scholars archive their data, and are often…
In “Toiling in the Archives of Cyberspace,” Renée Sentilles argues, “Our relationship with sources changes as they become more accessible, more abundant, and less tangible" (136). Sentilles discusses the usability of digital archives, particularly…
In his foundational new media text, Nelson describes literature itself as a series of interconnecting documents, and suggests that society needs a universal system for storing and preserving texts. Though he writes in the early 1980s, Nelson's…
In his essay, Lev Manovich argues for the database as the key form of expression in digital culture, stating that the new cultural algorithm is a progression of information from reality, to media, to data, to the database. Manovich connects database…
This paper examines the key functionality for users of a web archive. The author argues the following components must be addressed: basic searching, browsing, advanced personalization, customized services, and data mining. A selection of ten English…
This paper presents a method for creating virtual exhibitions using source materials from the National Archives of Singapore. The organizational structure includes an introduction to virtual exhibits, the architecture and design of both the virtual…
This video is an overview of the Vatican’s efforts to preserve and provide access to its extensive historical library. The video explores the unique challenge of preservation historical texts; while allowing open access to materials. The latter…