"Stanford scholars are harnessing the power of new technologies through an array of digital humanities endeavors. Current digital humanities projects are using tools like 3-D mapping, electronic literary analysis, digitization, and advanced…
Daniel Cohen, professor of history at George Mason University and director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and the late Roy Rosenzweig, professor of history and innovator in digital scholarship at George Mason University…
This website contains multigenre, immersive educational experiences to engage with digitial history and the humanities. It offers interactive approaches to primary source documents that enable users to explore, analyze, and engage with the material.…
In this blogpost, Dan Cohen, executive director of the Digital Public Library of America, argues that square root sampling, a mathematically developed method for crime prevention, can help archivists make acquisition decisions, especially when large…
Sarah Higgins explores the world of digital curation from its beginnings to now in her article “Digital Curation: The Emergence of a New Discipline.” With the world becoming more digital by the day, Higgins brings to light the importance of curation.…
The world population is ageing. In the UK alone, it is projected that by 2035 those aged 65 and over will account for 23 per cent of the total population whilst the number of people aged 85 and over will account for 5 per cent of the total…
Ross Harvey's latest guide takes readers through the step by step process of creating their own digital archive. The book contains online resources, tutorials, and references that hep the reader learn the latest techniques in creating a digital…
Within his article “Digital Curation/Digital Archiving: A View from the National Archives of Australia,” Adrian Cunningham tackles the true definition of the term digital archive. Bringing in a perspective from the National Archives of Australia…
This article discusses the importance of differentiating between the terms digital archiving and digital curation and explains how the obfuscation of these phrases can limit the necessary resources that must be given to digital archiving practices.…
Cunningham avers that digital archiving, digital curation, digital libraries, and digital museums are distinctly different functions despite the common conflation of the terms by the public. In this article, he argues that digital archiving should…