This video mainly talks about the different types of patents used in the American legal system. It also talks about the Trademarks and Copyrights, and the varies reasons they exist.
The purpose of the Digital Preservation Handbook is to guide scholars, archivists and communities on the importance of preserving their digital materials that they have collected. The handbook is online, so it is accessible to everyone who is seeking…
Close readings of literary texts afford the student opportunities for isolating and analyzing elements of text, thereby revealing cultural and stylistic influences of author, printer, and society. Digitization of print facilitates close reading by…
The proceedings of a conference regarding the issues faced by the European Commission’s FP7 PSP-funded project, E-ARK. At the time of its publishing, the project had recently shifted its focus to open access, which had a profound effect on the…
Deegan and Tanner explain that primary source materials come in all forms, and to digitally capture these materials, one must carefully consider certain aspects. In the article, they explore numerous materials: documents, visual materials (glass,…
A good overview regarding the practical aspects of collecting oral histories. The authors state that anyone with the time, resources, and interest can take part in the recording of oral history. There are no age barriers or educational barriers when…
Deanna Shemek’s article is about how our current push in new digital technologies is bring about a “digital renaissance”. With the introduction of Geographic Information Systems, Augmented Reality, Virtual reality and things like a cloud or sound…
Secrets from the Stacks authored by expert archivist Rhonda Chadwick delves into the significance of preserving family legacies in the digital era, stressing the importance of leveraging modern technology to safeguard cherished memories and…
The authors of this paper aim to show how interfaces and rich prospect browsers centered around the users of a specific archive can best help the needs of the primary users. The authors’ goal is to solve problems faced by other cultural heritage…