Digital Archiving Resources

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Following over a decade of widespread use, social media platforms have evolved into virtual spaces where users create and store meaningful content, suggesting their potential to serve as components of personal digital archives. This article explores…

Vallier contends archives are not “value-neutral institutions” and due to their inherent power to represent and preserve historic artifacts in support of their institutional sponsors, archiving marginalized populations is particularly challenging.…

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Spreadable media is basically getting across the needed message from one person to another through the mouth or in this case through social media. If you break up the term, then spreadable means to describe these increasingly pervasive forms of media…

Abby Smith combines the collective experiences of digital library staffs over the past decade as she analyzes and reviews selected practices, identifies selection policies and best practices, and discusses long-term implications of the opportunities…

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The arrival of the digital age has not only reshaped and refocused critical research in the humanities, but has provided real opportunities to innovate with pedagogy and classroom structure. This article describes the development of a new pedagogical…

The authors of this paper aim to show how interfaces and rich prospect browsers centered around the users of a specific archive can best help the needs of the primary users. The authors’ goal is to solve problems faced by other cultural heritage…

In this article, author Joanna Newman reports the findings of her survey of local community archives in New Zealand. Newman designed a survey to evaluate only archives whose records held sustained value for the governance, historical research, and…

This report provides an overview of knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and includes pertinent examples of their application to digital materials, offering extensive practical information for institutions embarking on digital library initiatives.…

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Ever wondered how to integrate the social media in the different courses, then this book covers approaches in applying them together. The author provides the impact technology has in collaborative settings, how technologies expanded in the different…

This book looks at the fundamental differences between traditional and electronic texts and the issues of studying each exclusively. It outlines how teaching students using both varieties of text in tandem can be beneficial in understanding the…
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