Data Archiving discusses how science depends on good data. Most data are central to the understanding of the natural world. The results of the study, when published, the data on which those results were based are sometimes stored unreliably. The…
This journal explains how social scientists are becoming encouraged to locate, access, and analyze data from data archives worldwide. It talks about how the vast majority of data archives which service the research community deal exclusively with the…
Digital Archives: Management, Access, and Use is a collection that presents an expensive look at how rapid technological changes and the push for providing wide access to digitized cultural heritage holdings are changing the field. It also provides a…
Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Digital Preservation and Information Modeling is a book that has become an authoritative resource. It is used for the latest research on the application of current innovations in the fields of…
The distribution of multi-media primary sources, in this article, chiefly oral history interviews through searchable digital archives has dramatically improved the quality of historical research in recent years. With the integration of audio sources…
In a modern media environment in which fake news is widely disseminated amongst the public and previously trusted media sources are viewed with suspicion, those in the archival profession are tasked with finding methods with which fake news can be…
The proceedings of a conference regarding the issues faced by the European Commission’s FP7 PSP-funded project, E-ARK. At the time of its publishing, the project had recently shifted its focus to open access, which had a profound effect on the…
A guide addressed to the general public concerning the practices surrounding personal digital archiving. This eBook contains information regarding proper personal archiving procedure, personal essays reflecting on personal digital archiving, and…
Within this academic journal, Wasson et al provides the reader with both research and findings from their self-conducted workshop that sparks conversation between “fields of user-centered design (UCD) and language archives” (Wasson et al). Within the…
In this Master’s Paper, Breed discusses archiving social media data through a study where thirty-eight archivists respond to a survey regarding their “institutional practices, their opinions of the ethical responsibilities of archives toward social…