Author and archivist Frederick Stielow reviews fundamental principles and practices of archiving and outlines the technical steps and intellectual rationale for adding metadata, developing encoding schemas, and designing the web interface. Of…
In Part II of The Future of the Past, Alexander Stiille discusses cultural memory as it relates to the National Archive and the process of digitizing and converting nontextual material to a more stable format. Stille states that, at current staff…
Getting Permission offers a simple look into the copyright permission process, as well as going over content that is in the public domain and the "fair use" law, in addition to other intricacies related to the process of obtaining permission from…
In their online article for D-Lib magazine, authors Stirling, Chevallier, and Illien cover issues important to researchers using the web from problems of legitimacy to the functionality of search engines. The authors discuss the changing perceptions…
This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter three of the Organizing and Archiving Digital Photos course presented by author Derrick Story. The complete Organizing and Archiving Digital Photos course has a total duration of 2…
The arrival of the digital age has not only reshaped and refocused critical research in the humanities, but has provided real opportunities to innovate with pedagogy and classroom structure. This article describes the development of a new pedagogical…
This research paper shows mathematical formulas that show the potential of a method known as "polygon approximation" that will allow for the digital query of digital archival systems to be improved upon to better their use. This methods improvements…
The Text Encoding Initiative website gives straightforward instruction and detailed documentation on TEI, a subset of the XML markup language. The site provides a downloadable version of the TEI P5 Guidelines that gives a comprehensive overview of…