Digital Archiving Resources

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The goal of the Vatican Library Digital Archive Project is to preserve over 80,000 manuscripts and 41 million pages. However, the project also seeks to make these manuscripts accessible to the general public as part of a digital library. The Vatican…

Lasers scan buildings and landmarks to create digital records in three dimensions

Theimer reviews the fundamental principles of important Web 2.0 tools. She includes plentiful examples of how archives around the world have been successfully using each one, and provides step-by-step tips on what you need to do to implement it in…

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Web Archive Processing by Mike Smorul is a pdf document that describes different types of archiving strategies and how they work. It describes the indexing of various websites and how they tackle managing a large quantity of websites within the…

In their online article for D-Lib magazine, authors Stirling, Chevallier, and Illien cover issues important to researchers using the web from problems of legitimacy to the functionality of search engines. The authors discuss the changing perceptions…

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The International Internet Preservation Consortium was created in July 2003 by twelve pioneer institutions already involved in Web archiving and including eleven national libraries. The objectives of the consortium are to provide a forum for sharing…

The PADI Web Archiving webpage provides an overview of global web archiving practices as well as resources on issues related to web archiving. It briefly defines different models for and approaches to web archiving before providing case studies of…

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This book assembles contributions from computer scientists and librarians that altogether encompass the complete range of tools, tasks and processes needed to successfully preserve the cultural heritage of the Web. It combines the librarian’s…

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In the article What Do you Mean by Archive? Genres of Usage for Digital Preservers by Trevor Owens, he discusses archives, what they are and how they are used in different fields. This piece delves into the different forms and contexts of archiving,…

This journal provides information about what an archive is, in specific, numerical data. It explains why numeric data files are important, for things like statistic and the importance of having a data file where to reference things. Local databases…
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