This article takes a look at the difficulties presented to researchers due to the newspaper digitization. These difficulties are mainly due to the fact that the pictures and formatting of the newspapers have been removed to allow the proper…
Drawing on the author's experience of managing the National Archives' web archiving programme together with lessons learned from other international initiatives, this book offers a comprehensive overview of current best practice, together with…
The book Archiving Websites: General Considerations and Strategies by Niels Brügger is mainly for researchers, students, and others without special technical knowledge who wish to save a website for further study. This is for those who wish to start…
The book begins with an overview of what archives and description are and how it relates to other tasks the archivist undertakes like appraisal, preservation, and reference. It discusses the core concepts for archives and description and how…
One of the major issues facing humanities scholars is access to data for reuse or repurposing. Data used in the humanities encompasses the broad and diverse humanities disciplines. The types of research conducted in a digital environment are based on…
In January 2000, the Council on Library and Informational Resources (CLIR) assembles a group of professionals who were considered experts from different domains of the information resources communities to address the question: What is an authentic…
Jeff Rothenber’s Avoiding Technological Quicksand addresses the fragility of digital documents and information, and suggests that “emulation” is the most reliable way to prolong the life of data, while also discussing the limitations of several…
This thesis paper covers the importance of digital recording and it's development. It talks about while scanned images tend to make it to the digital archives, the original digital images don't seem to always make it into an archive. This thesis aims…
Digital photography has recently become one of society's important means of recording. For this reason it has also become a potential archival record of great significance. However, as of yet, few born-digital (defined in opposition to "made digital"…