Digital Archiving Resources

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In this Master’s Paper, Breed discusses archiving social media data through a study where thirty-eight archivists respond to a survey regarding their “institutional practices, their opinions of the ethical responsibilities of archives toward social…

“Case of the Puzzling Personal Digital Archive” by writers Wendy Hagenmaier, Oscar Gittemeier and Michelle Kirk is a presentation hosted by NYU’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program. The program is working in collaboration with NYU…

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A good overview regarding the practical aspects of collecting oral histories. The authors state that anyone with the time, resources, and interest can take part in the recording of oral history. There are no age barriers or educational barriers when…

Andrea Goethals, manager of digital preservation and repository services at the Harvard Library, delivered this presentation on 22 April 2011 to an audience of undergraduate students at Harvard University. Goethals aims at encouraging students to…

This article focuses on the challenges institutions such as the New York Archive Museum (NYAM) face when dealing with born-digital institutional archives. The findings are presented through a case study of NYAM using three data sources: analysis of…

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This article shows the process of women’s journalistic approach throughout history, and of the importance of preserving that culture. It is focusing on the aspect of oral, illustrative, and literature based aspects of women’s journalistic approaches…

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Susan Wells’ "Claiming the Archive for Rhetoric and Composition" is broken into three sections where she outlines the “gifts” of “resistance,” “freedom,” and “possibility” that digital archiving technology affords composition and rhetoric students,…

Roy Rosenzweig contends that the past is not dead. His book, Clio Wired, is a collection of essays focusing on the digital media and how it could keep the past alive. Simplistically, it is broken into three sections: rethinking, practicing, and…

Architecture firms have used computers as an integral part of the design process for the past thirty to forty years, but born-digital architectural records are only now being donated to repositories for preservation. This article reviews the…

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Moore et al.’s “Collection-Based Persistent Digital Archives” provides a brief view into the design and development of a persistent email archive that housed over a million messages, a project that offered students at Cornell personalized library…
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