Digital Archiving Resources

Browse Collections (9 total)

Digital Humanities

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Digital archiving is gaining increased attention by both the general public and the scholarly community. The proliferation of digital content through…

Ethics, Privacy, Copyright, and Legislation

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This collection represents the delicate balance digital archivists seek when designing an archive that preserves and provides access, while also…

Personal Archiving


Individual, family, and community histories are increasingly being documented and preserved on the Internet through a wide array of social media,…

Planning, Building, and Curation

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Archives may represent any number or size collection and institution. These different types of archives may include governmental, non-selective…

Preservation Issues

Preservation in the archive involves the process of historical representation and connotes security, safety, and assurance that the collections will…

Public Participation and Memory


Public interest in accessing and archiving digital audio and visual collections is finding support and expression in digital archives, digital…

Teaching Strategies

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Items in this collection pertain to the ways one can use digital archives to teach digital humanities or related subjects. Specific pedagogies…

Web Archiving

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In 2003, the Library of Congress and the national libraries of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, England and other countries formed the…

What is an Archive?

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Archives are collections of primary sources, cataloged and grouped for the purpose of preserving and making accessible the records of society’s…