Following over a decade of widespread use, social media platforms have evolved into virtual spaces where users create and store meaningful content, suggesting their potential to serve as components of personal digital archives. This article explores…
This article explores the smartphone as a complex tool in the context of forced migration. The article explains how smartphones not only follow migrants but also document their journey through digital objects in times of conflict, displacement, and…
This article studies Personal Digital Archiving and its practices on different devices. It is a study meant to find a model of the personal digital archiving process for those devices and help users manage their personal archives. As a result of this…
Secrets from the Stacks authored by expert archivist Rhonda Chadwick delves into the significance of preserving family legacies in the digital era, stressing the importance of leveraging modern technology to safeguard cherished memories and…
This book is a comprehensive guide that addresses the modern-day challenge of creating, managing, and cherishing extensive photo collections. Spanning from vintage film prints to contemporary smartphone snapshots, photographs embody profound…
Within her article “Personal digital archiving for journalists: a “private” solution to a public problem” Sarah King aims to inform journalists on the benefits of digital preservation. Although librarians and archivists are all aware of the…
Marčetić poses that many people today archive their own personal data as a byproduct of their day-to-day lives rather than as a deliberate act of preservation. She contextualizes this by discussing the activities and habits of students, and examining…
In the article “Trajectories of Personal Archiving: Practical and Ethical Considerations,” published in the academic journal Geographical Review, Knapp discusses the intricacies archiving has for the professional individual, as well as the ethical…
This resource from the Library of Congress, a well-trusted and respected organization, is a valuable one to share. The message of this article is to those who archive, and, as the article states, everyone does eventually have to deal with archiving…
This article houses a study that goes into the concept of digital curation on students’ smartphones. This is a recent study that emphasizes the importance of modern-day evaluations of technology and archiving resources that are made available to…