This article reports on a study investigating academic librarians' varying experiences of archives in order to promote understanding and communication among librarians and archivists. A qualitative, phenomenographic approach was adopted for the…
Vallier contends archives are not “value-neutral institutions” and due to their inherent power to represent and preserve historic artifacts in support of their institutional sponsors, archiving marginalized populations is particularly challenging.…
Uimonen discusses the Nordic Museum in Stockholm’s #MeToo collection and the public submissions to the collection. It also “analyses the museum’s rationale for collecting what is considered to be difficult cultural heritage.” Unlike most archives, it…
This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter three of the Organizing and Archiving Digital Photos course presented by author Derrick Story. The complete Organizing and Archiving Digital Photos course has a total duration of 2…
In their online article for D-Lib magazine, authors Stirling, Chevallier, and Illien cover issues important to researchers using the web from problems of legitimacy to the functionality of search engines. The authors discuss the changing perceptions…
This study examines Our Marathon , which is a digital historiography website created in response to the bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2013. As a participatory archive, Our Marathon is an example of community literacy practice. This…
This article examines how Personal Digital Libraries (PDL) serve as a self-archiving approach that is based majorly on individuals' activities. The main questions that the text focuses on are, "What are the critical features of PDL?" and "Are there…
Historypin is an archive that uses a collaborative approach to create stronger ties with local history. Users—either individuals or institutions —upload records and denote the location of the object by pinning it using Google Maps. These records can…
All libraries struggle with how to make their information available to a wider audience, outside of the local area. A couple years ago, the John F. Kennedy Library embarked on making their records, documents, photos, and videos available on the…
These standardized guidelines published by the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative are what constitute the collection of best practices when it comes to digitizing images and documents. This is a document that is updated for the…