This book by Barrett Williams explains how the Raspberry Pi computer can be used to create emulators for old video game consoles such as the NES or other systems where emulation is more difficult such as the Sega Saturn
Current teaching, learning and assessment practices can lead students to believe that courses within a programme are self-sufficient and separate. Integrative Learning explores this issue, and considers how intentional learning helps students become…
This book looks at the fundamental differences between traditional and electronic texts and the issues of studying each exclusively. It outlines how teaching students using both varieties of text in tandem can be beneficial in understanding the…
Burdick centers her book on what is digital humanities? Digital humanities is a vague term. As an emerging field, Burdick takes on the challenge in uncovering a more specific definition of what it is. But she also mentions how people use this field…
Caroline Brown’s text Archives and Recordkeeping is made to understand the importance of archives and the roles it holds in society by presenting detailed explanations and presentations. Archives are the preservation of past, present and future…
This book tries to refocus the true purpose of social media and how it can be used to help further students’ education. The greatest issues educators face with social media is not privacy concerns rather motivating the students to participate in the…
The second edition of the preceding bestseller, this book serves as a training course for people interested in data storage. Penned by EMC (the world's largest data storage company at the time), the book covers the multiple components of a storage…
The class, titled “Introduction to Literary Study,” helps students build the foundational skills commonly used for the study of literature, including close reading, textual analysis, attention to genre and form, and attention to material and…
This article examines different attempts by educators to incorporate web archiving into their curriculums when teaching student from K-12, believing that utilizing archives can empower students to contribute their views to the “historical record”.…
This article argues that getting students to learn about archival preservation and research in the context of an underpreserved, underresearched history offers a number of pedagogical rewards. Colleges and universities are pushing to increase…