Conserving Digital Resources: Issues and Future Access
Conserving Digital Resources: Issues and Future Access
The following article explores the issues surrounding digital preservation. Especially when it comes to deciding what should and shouldn’t be preserved. In addition to that, it is important to note the ease in which something published online can be shared. Unlike something that was physically published/printed thus limiting who has access to it. As a result, the design of an archive requires constant though necessary management of activities over a long period of time. However, for that to work, guidelines need to be put in place prior to it being put into practice. As it helps with figuring out what to collect and save because not only does it limit system overload it keeps unnecessary things from getting in. That’s not to say that what wasn’t selected isn’t important, it just that like physical books it’d be really hard to save everything. On the flip side, “Born digital data is too voluminous and too fragile to be left to the caprice of short-term needs and priorities.” So, to help those who might be looking at something in the future saving selectively is key. That way just enough is needed to provide an accurate record, which is why looking at issues in various ways is essential.
Taylor & Francis
July-Sept., 2014
Hannah Baker
Journal Article
Bibliographic Citation
Dell, Esther Y, and Suzanne M Shultz. “Conserving Digital Resources: Issues and Future Access.” Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, September 2014, 124–33.
“Conserving Digital Resources: Issues and Future Access,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed March 17, 2025,