In this article, the authors create a methodology to help deal with the integrity of long-term digital archives using cryptographic techniques. The first take create a token system for each item in the archive and then a key to identify and regulate…
In this text Clough uses the example of the Smithsonian museum to ask and then answer the question, "How can we prepare ourselves to reach the generation of digital natives who bring a huge appetite-and aptitude-for the digital world?" His text…
This book focuses in depth on ideas of digital curation projects with interdisciplinary methods that unify the digital humanities and history, social networking, information architecture and other themes pertaining to digital curation. The…
Since technology and innovative ideas for what composes the digital library are constantly advancing, case studies must be routinely conducted to continue to be kept up to date. This book is comprised of studies that are most current to 2007. It…
This article focuses on the new challenges that have surfaced for the archiving of digital writing besides the already present challenge of the constant changing software and what strategies to use to conquer those challenges. Some strategies include…
This article examines how Personal Digital Libraries (PDL) serve as a self-archiving approach that is based majorly on individuals' activities. The main questions that the text focuses on are, "What are the critical features of PDL?" and "Are there…
This article focuses on the challenges institutions such as the New York Archive Museum (NYAM) face when dealing with born-digital institutional archives. The findings are presented through a case study of NYAM using three data sources: analysis of…
This working document focuses on developing strategies, policies, and technologies necessary to ensure the longevity and integrity of digital publications. The goal for this text is to inform institutions on how to address the opportunities and…
This article finds that though the web is a valuable resource for historical research, its information is significantly ephemeral. The text focuses mainly on web archiving and how its aim is to obtain, preserve, and provide access to the published…
This article asks the question "What trace of our accomplishments will endure to be handed over to future generations?". It specifically focuses on the protection and preservation of digital assets. Archiving is not solely an institutional job, but…