Digital Archiving Resources

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Digital Archive converts paper, microfiche and film to a digital format. We use state of the art hardware and software in our document scanning process.

This journal provides information about what an archive is, in specific, numerical data. It explains why numeric data files are important, for things like statistic and the importance of having a data file where to reference things. Local databases…

An in depth explanation starting with the history of copyright which started in England in the late fifteenth century. It explains how as printing presses began to grow, authorities sought to control the publication of books by granting printers a…

This article studies Personal Digital Archiving and its practices on different devices. It is a study meant to find a model of the personal digital archiving process for those devices and help users manage their personal archives. As a result of this…

Community Archives is part of a series called Principles and Practices in Records Management and Archives. The series aims to augment the body of professional knowledge and understanding currently available. Each book in the series offers a detailed…

In this academic journal, the authors discuss how the survey aspect of social media, Twitter in particular, presents an opportunity for a new way to collect data. It goes on to explain the complications in ethics that requires “a deeper…

ADHO supports digital research and teaching across all subjects, and is a community based advisory committee.

Acord defines the digital humanities as humanities interested in expanding their research using digital tools. Rather than being prescriptive, she discusses individual examples. She mentions open access peer-reviewed journals as a more traditional…

“The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Motion Picture Materials” by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is a work of text consisting of 84 pages. It was published in the year 2007 as an open source…

This video showcases six presenters discussing the future of web archiving. Presenters include Stephen Abrams (California Digital Library), Martin Klein (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland) and Michael Nelson (Old…
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