Digital Archiving Resources

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Besek explains how the collecting and preserving of digital content poses challenges to the intellectual property rights that libraries and archives are use to following. A balance between copyright owners and users is an ongoing process; therefore,…

This book provides a comprehensive manual that covers key areas of archiving. Its audience is that of the novice and student archivist. In addition to it textbook format, the material in the book examines the role of the archival profession in the…

The Advanced Studies Center of the International Institute of the University of Michigan held a year-long Sawyer Seminar from 2000-2001 to investigate the complicated relationships between archives, forms of documentation, and societies. The program…

Deegan and Tanner explain that primary source materials come in all forms, and to digitally capture these materials, one must carefully consider certain aspects. In the article, they explore numerous materials: documents, visual materials (glass,…

Jimerson argues that in the information age, knowledge is power, and power is determined by those who determine what information will be preserved for the future, i.e., archivists. Therefore, archivists should use their power to benefit all members…

Pitti’s article focuses on the necessity of collaboration among scholars, despite the challenges they encounter. In order to design complex, sustainable projects in digital humanities, collaboration is necessary because of the cost and the…

Roy Rosenzweig contends that the past is not dead. His book, Clio Wired, is a collection of essays focusing on the digital media and how it could keep the past alive. Simplistically, it is broken into three sections: rethinking, practicing, and…

Abby Smith combines the collective experiences of digital library staffs over the past decade as she analyzes and reviews selected practices, identifies selection policies and best practices, and discusses long-term implications of the opportunities…

The "Best Practice Guidelines for Digital Collections" provides the essential, critical standards that all digital librarians, archivists and scholars should implement when designing a digital collection. The article also includes guidelines for…

In this article, Greene eschews the "intuitive, informal, and cookbooky" approach to information infrastructure and advises archivists to base their work on core professional values (22). He recommends beginning a digital archive project with…
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