The Early Americas Digital Archive by Ralph Bauer is a collection of works that provides access to various forms of literature such as: poems, prose, histories, diaries, journals, and letters written in or about the Americas from 1492 to…
The book Archiving Websites: General Considerations and Strategies by Niels Brügger is mainly for researchers, students, and others without special technical knowledge who wish to save a website for further study. This is for those who wish to start…
In the article What Do you Mean by Archive? Genres of Usage for Digital Preservers by Trevor Owens, he discusses archives, what they are and how they are used in different fields. This piece delves into the different forms and contexts of archiving,…
The purpose of the Digital Preservation Handbook is to guide scholars, archivists and communities on the importance of preserving their digital materials that they have collected. The handbook is online, so it is accessible to everyone who is seeking…
Uimonen discusses the Nordic Museum in Stockholm’s #MeToo collection and the public submissions to the collection. It also “analyses the museum’s rationale for collecting what is considered to be difficult cultural heritage.” Unlike most archives, it…
Caroline Brown’s text Archives and Recordkeeping is made to understand the importance of archives and the roles it holds in society by presenting detailed explanations and presentations. Archives are the preservation of past, present and future…
The authors of this paper aim to show how interfaces and rich prospect browsers centered around the users of a specific archive can best help the needs of the primary users. The authors’ goal is to solve problems faced by other cultural heritage…
This online journal is informing towards understanding ethics in archives. The journal goes into the importance and process that archivists go through to respecting data in already existing collections. Privacy plays a grand part in ethics especially…
In this article, the author presents the connection between personal digital archiving and community-based archiving and how they should work to assist one another. The author suggests that community-based projects can help provide flexibility and…