This series of books was created to envelope the basic core functions created by the SAA’s Guidelines for Archival Education. Throughout the Volumes, principles underlining the practice, functions and activities of archiving are expressed. Be it…
This article gives a transparent view of how archives have been affected by white supremacy. Caswell provides simple ways for students and professionals to dismantle the signs of white supremacy in archives across the United States. Caswell’s…
Nicholas Tanzi wrote a book to assist librarians on how to teach others to use the digital repositories and digital materials in the libraries database. Much like UCF’s library, most libraries have their entire collection online where you can request…
This article examines different attempts by educators to incorporate web archiving into their curriculums when teaching student from K-12, believing that utilizing archives can empower students to contribute their views to the “historical record”.…
Caroline Brown’s text Archives and Recordkeeping is made to understand the importance of archives and the roles it holds in society by presenting detailed explanations and presentations. Archives are the preservation of past, present and future…
The authors of this piece aim to introduce the use of primary documents in the classroom to better engage students with the history they are learning. The article offers insight into inverted course models: those that emphasize hands-on learning in…
This book looks at the fundamental differences between traditional and electronic texts and the issues of studying each exclusively. It outlines how teaching students using both varieties of text in tandem can be beneficial in understanding the…
This book by Barrett Williams explains how the Raspberry Pi computer can be used to create emulators for old video game consoles such as the NES or other systems where emulation is more difficult such as the Sega Saturn
This book by Jonathan Adrians discusses the world of emulation gaming, including its history and its legal issues such as the acquisition of ROMs, which are used to play the emulated games. It covers a wide variety of systems from home consoles, to…
A Primer for Teaching Digital History is a guide for teachers at the high school and college level looking to teach about digital history and offers different strategies for building a syllabus or wish to include the topic in their teachings. Along…