An in depth explanation starting with the history of copyright which started in England in the late fifteenth century. It explains how as printing presses began to grow, authorities sought to control the publication of books by granting printers a…
For many, the idea of digital archives can often appear to be fundamentally opposed to media and art and can appear to be impossible to accomplish. This article examines some of the problems that digital archivists face when attempting to incorporate…
An online article that covers the main focuses on what preservation is in terms of digital archiving and what significance in holds within the digital archiving community, being staple goal throughout the community. It also covers topics such as…
The following article goes into the importance digitization of artifacts for future use partly as a way to minimize damaging materials that have already sustained a considerable amount of external or internal wear and tear as a result of being…
This article examines different attempts by educators to incorporate web archiving into their curriculums when teaching student from K-12, believing that utilizing archives can empower students to contribute their views to the “historical record”.…
Colin Meddings of Oxford University Press conducted research within the academic library community on digital preservation and what their opinions were regarding the matter. Specifically focusing on digital preservation in term of “the preservation…
The focus of this article is to help eliminate several of the limitations that a traditional print has by providing a new model that suits the digital age. All the while giving readers the chance to participate in an active role regarding their own…
The following article explores the issues surrounding digital preservation. Especially when it comes to deciding what should and shouldn’t be preserved. In addition to that, it is important to note the ease in which something published online can be…
Nicholas Tanzi wrote a book to assist librarians on how to teach others to use the digital repositories and digital materials in the libraries database. Much like UCF’s library, most libraries have their entire collection online where you can request…
This article discusses the importance of differentiating between the terms digital archiving and digital curation and explains how the obfuscation of these phrases can limit the necessary resources that must be given to digital archiving practices.…