Digital Archiving Resources

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The authors of this piece aim to introduce the use of primary documents in the classroom to better engage students with the history they are learning. The article offers insight into inverted course models: those that emphasize hands-on learning in…

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Within her article “Personal digital archiving for journalists: a “private” solution to a public problem” Sarah King aims to inform journalists on the benefits of digital preservation. Although librarians and archivists are all aware of the…

This book looks at the fundamental differences between traditional and electronic texts and the issues of studying each exclusively. It outlines how teaching students using both varieties of text in tandem can be beneficial in understanding the…

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In “Proceed With Caution: How Digital Archives Have Been Left In The Dark,” Alyssa N. Knutson covers issues of legality on the subject of copyright within digital preservation. Described by Knutson as a “legal limbo,” digital archives teeter on the…

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Briston’s entry in The Digital Archives Handbook concerns the legal ramifications of archiving and the difficulties that occur when trying to ascribe proper credit to the owner of an archive entry or piece of intellectual property. She details how…

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Within his article “Digital Curation/Digital Archiving: A View from the National Archives of Australia,” Adrian Cunningham tackles the true definition of the term digital archive. Bringing in a perspective from the National Archives of Australia…

“The Long term preservation of digital documents” is a book published in the year 2015. It was originally written in German but was eventually translated to English to reach a wider array of audiences. It is categorized as a digital preservation of…

“Going digital: electronic images in the library catalog and beyond” is a book published all the way in 1995. In this year was when practical consumers began using the internet and saving their own data into their personal hard drives. It was…

“Delivering digital images: cultural heritage resources for education” by Patricia McClung and Christie Stephenson. The book was originally published in the year 1998. The book focuses on the importance of digitizing images that reflect cultural…

“Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries” is one out of many in a elongated series. This exact version is titled as the Third European Conference Proceedings, published in 1999. The purpose of this text is to enhance the skills of the…
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